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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Attention data and Attention Trust

Thank you Erik Duval for pointing out in our session with you last week about the Attention Trust:

"APML is about something bigger than technology. It’s about your right to take ownership and control of your Attention Profile so that you can share it with the services you know and love.

From AttentionTrust – your Attention rights include:
Property: You own your attention and can store it wherever you wish. You have CONTROL.
Mobility: You can securely move your attention wherever you want whenever you want to. You have the ability to TRANSFER your attention.
Economy: You can pay attention to whomever you wish and receive value in return. Your attention has WORTH.
Transparency: You can see exactly how your attention is being used. You can DECIDE who you trust."

The Attention Profiling Markup Language (APML) is a standard format from which we can extract our own attention data-- to extract the music we listen to, photos, tags, bookmarks, blogs, tweets, and then we can personally aggregate our own data and analyse it for reflection!

The Attention Recorder:
"AttentionTrust, has developed a free, open source piece of software that allows you to record information about the websites you visit and pay attention to. This "Attention Recorder" makes it possible for you to store, analyze and share this data with anyone you choose." (

Here is a blog entry discussing AttentionTrust as returning attention to its rightful owner. Things to think about while we are looking at creating a document of ethics for the field of Learning Analytics: Bokardo

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